
Admission Process

AISC’s admission process is composed of school visits, family interviews and admissions assessments. Parents should complete the Application Form. This can be done online from the website or  by hard copy from the school registrar. The academic school records  must be submitted from previous schools. Records must be in English or with official translations. AISC reserves the right to request a copy of student records before a child can enroll at the school. 

Children and parents will meet with the director before enrollment at the school is granted. Grade placement is determined by the director, according to birthdate and previous schooling as demonstrated by transcripts. If during the first month of enrollment the teacher(s) recommends placement in a different grade, the pupil may be moved to a different grade upon approval of the director. Parents are always consulted if a grade change is warranted, and may demand formal testing to assess the pupil’s readiness for grade level. 

Whenever possible, applications should be submitted in the autumn/spring of the preceding school year. School fees and procedures for payment are available from the website or the school office. 

The following documents are required for admission: 

These guidelines shall be followed: