The American English Language and Culture Center (AELCC)

Learning English with native speakers has never been easier in Conakry.  The American International School of Conakry has established the American English Language and Culture Center to develop English language skills of adults.

The language instructors of the AELCC are native-English speakers with bona-fide qualifications, certificates and diplomas in English and/or English as a Foreign Language from accredited institutions in the United States, the U.K., and Australia. We take pride in employing only native speakers with training and qualifications that are accredited by institutions holding to high standards. Past clients included The World Bank and Winning (as corporate clients), and various individuals employed by local enterprises and NGOs.

Check out our classes, held in groups or privately, at times and locations convenient to you, and come to Let’s Talk! our business networking in English event held once a month.