Meet The Director

Here at AISC, our mission is to develop intellectually audacious, socially responsible citizens of the world. On our small, quaint island of green on the fringes of bustling Conakry, the teachers, staff and parents have set out as a village to make our students feel safe, happy, fully engaged, and responsible for their learning.  We celebrate our students and work together to create a well-rounded learning environment on our campus.  Through their experiences, we envision that students will use their voices to serve as lifelong advocates for Guinea and Africa.

We are proud to be the only accredited English-medium school in Guinea, and offer an American-style education based on the AERO Standards in a decidedly international context. From Pre-K through Grade 12, early childhood on up to a U.S. high school diploma, we engage with children and their families to provide a solid education that develops critical thinking, relationship building, imagination, and compassion. 

Moreover, we are delighted that our ten graduating seniors in June 2023 were collectively admitted to 65 universities in North America and Europe with scholarship offers amounting to $3.6 million. We are equally proud of our high schoolers’ success on their Advanced Placement English and Calculus exams, earning them university credits.  If you are interested in finding out more about enrolling your child in our school, please contact our Registrar Minkael Cisse at or +224.654.28.45.30

Mark Dempsey, School Director

Beginning my fifth year at AISC, my wife Winnehl (our High School Social Studies Teacher), our son Maxton, and daughter Grace join me in the collective effort to make the American International School of Conakry the best learning environment possible. We are truly inspired and excited to continue to be a part of this school community.  Thanks to the many teachers, staff members, parents and students who commit their time and talent to the school’s success. Every single person has a role to play. It truly takes a village.

If you find yourself in the Nongo area, please pay us a visit to see first-hand the work that goes into preparing our students to play an active role in shaping the future. 

Onward and upward!


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